Speaking & Panels

I frequently speak at conferences and panels on topics ranging from mental health in the workplace, psychotherapists burnout, assisted psychedelic therapy integration as well and collective liberation.

Smith College

Workshop and talk on ritualized grief for the graduating class closing ceremony

UC Davis

Performing poetry and speaking on the experience for being an Arab immigrant.

California Institute of Integral Studies

Presented to graduate students my scholarship on the psychology of genocides with focus on the role of the bystander

Salesforce - San Francisco

Spoke at Uplift, a female executives’ conference, on maintaining and tending to mental health of self and employees


Multiple workshops for doctors and nurses and burnout and PTSD in workplace and how to work with it.

UC Riverside

Workshops on collective grief and keynote closing speech on collective liberation at the UCs SWANA conference.

Gestalt Institute

Psychedelic integration

Talks and workshops at various psychotherapy clinics and training centers, on psychedelic medicine integration.

Shack 15 Co-working space - San Francisco

Participated in several panels on tending to mental health as an entrepreneur.